Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Telling the time

How to learn to use an analogue clock to tell the time: top tips
  • wear a watch which is analogue and tell the time
  • ask your parents to ask you questions about the time during the day
  • set your analogue alarm clock and use it to help you get up
  • use this link to help learn to tell the time to the nearest 30 minutes
  • use this link to help learn to tell the time to the nearest 15 minutes
  • use this link to help learn to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes 
  • use this link to help learn to tell the time to the nearest 1 minute 
When you've mastered telling the time, work out differences between times.  Try this site for some practice.

Want a real challenge?  Try this NRICH problem.


  1. my worst score was 20 seconds
    my best score was 14 seconds
    this game was fun!

  2. My best score was 27 seconds on 30 minutes intervals and my worst score was 44 seconds on 1 minute intervals because i got a bit mixed up but sorted it!

  3. my time on the 1 minute one is 25seconds which i think is quite quick
    and on the 5 minute one i got 16 seconds and 10 minute i got 19 seconds and on the 30 minute one i got 17 seconds i'm proud of my-self


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