You could print this form to record your scores.
Traffic Lights - which times table makes the different lights go on? Test your knowledge of times tables with this great game from BEAM.
Hit the button - Times tables, division facts, addition facts
Bingo - times and divide
Multiplication - grid method
Addition balance - addition bonds
Maths maps gives you google maps with placemarks and questions. Use the measure tool to answer some of the questions. Linked pages allow you to research and find out more...How far do you think a tiger can leap?
Maths Live is an amazing resource with interactive lessons on a number of maths topics. I had a look at the addition and subtraction of decimals one which was excellent and showed all of the steps you need to take.
Bowl of fruit challenge - helps you work on fractions of a whole bowl of fruit, helping you to use and apply your maths.
Try Fraction card game 1 from this link and practice fractions of money.
Want a trickier challenge? Select game 2 from the page here.
Fractions, Decimals, Percentages - card matching game - needs a good memory...have you got what it takes?
Shape, Space
Coordinate games
Addition balance - addition bonds
Data Handling
Venn diagram
Caroll Diagram
- easy odd, <5>
- multiples of 7 - great for improving on 7 times table multiples
Measurring games and tutorials
Convert length